Cambridge BID provides a team of professional and passionate City Ambassadors, who are available within the City Centre every day to help, advise and guide users of the City Centre.


What is the project:

Cambridge BID provides a team of professional and passionate City Ambassadors, who are available within the City Centre every day to help, advise and guide users of the City Centre.  The Ambassadors also identify and report environmental issues in the BID Area as well as liaise with businesses on news, events and opportunities.

Project status:

This is an ongoing project, which the BID will deliver each year.

Who does it benefit:

All businesses.  As well as the professional welcome that the City Ambassadors give the users of the City, they also play a vital role in ensuring the City operates as it should, reporting environmental issues and liaising with businesses on Cambridge BID activity as well as other important information.

How do you get involved:

The team of City Ambassadors regularly visit all businesses in the BID Area.  If you would like to meet with one of the team to discuss an issue you have or find out more about their role, please contact Becky Burrell on

You can follow our City Ambassadors on Twitter @CityAmbassadors