Is your business interested in composting?

Cambridge BID has partnered with Vegware, to raise awareness of the benefits of compostable packaging.

Single-use products are a huge problem globally, and we need to move away from them completely. Many cafes and takeaways encourage customers to bring their own tubs and cups, perhaps with a discount or incentive for doing so.

But it must be acknowledged that most customers rely on the convenience of single-use products. Perhaps your business could switch to compostable packaging like Vegware? It is estimated that emissions from composting food waste are just 14% compared to sending it to landfill.

Here’s 6 amazing things compost does: 

01. Contributes to a circular economy 

By choosing to compost your food waste and used Vegware, you contribute to the circular movement of organic recycling, from farm to fork and back again. 

*Be mindful that compostable packaging must be recycled in a specialist in-vessel composting facility. Businesses will need to setup a contract with a supplier. For example, Cambridge BID has worked with Countrystyle Recycling to deliver our Mission Compostable public bins in the city.

02. Sequesters carbon 

Adding compost to soil increases soil health, as it stimulates microbe growth. Compost is an effective way to sequester carbon, this means it pulls and stores carbon in the soil instead of releasing it into the air. 

03. Improves soil structure 

Compost increases the organic matter in the soil. By adding more organic matter, farmers can increase the maximum yield potential of their fields. It makes fields easier to work and provides better crop establishment

04. Reduces flood risk 

Compost has high organic content. This helps it absorb up to four times its weight in water. It can replace essential organic material in wetlands. 

05. Keeps resources local 

Composting keeps resources in your region without relying on export. It turns waste into useful resources, helping businesses reduce their environmental impact and join the circular economy. 

Did you know composting is officially defined as a form of recycling? Learn more 

06. Creates jobs 

Composting diversifies waste. This creates businesses and job opportunities in the waste sector – especially in rural areas – and nutrient-rich compost for farmers’ fields, helping to grow plants and crops for consumers. 

Want to start recycling your food waste and used Vegware? Contact their Environmental team today!